Woman-friendly Physiques - Personal Fitness Trainer
jeudi 16 octobre 2014

Woman-friendly Physiques

Woman-friendly Physiques
It’s not about women being shallow and judging you just based on how hot you are, it’s about women being extremely perceptive and using your physique to give them clues about your genes, your lifestyle and your character. Will you make a good breeding partner? A good husband? A good father?
Woman-friendly Physiques
Woman-friendly Physiques

And can she trust you? Will you protect her? Are you intelligent and ambitious? Will other men respect you? Are you physically, mentally and genetically healthy enough not just to survive, but to thrive?
These are really important questions, and right away smart women will make assumptions about all of them based on the very first impression you give them. Is that fair? Surprisingly it usually is, because, well, women are really damn good at it. (study)
See, lots of guys will pretend to be nice to get what they want. Some guys brag and exaggerate, scheme and manipulate. Some guys will hide skeletons and put only their best foot forward.
An attractive woman can’t give every single guy a chance—there isn’t enough time. And they can’t bet their future on a man if they don’t know if he’s worth it or not. It’s not like they can wait for a disaster to see if a guy can keep it together under pressure … because by then it’s already too late.
So girls judge us based on things that are extremely hard to fake.
All women thus come programmed with the ability to pick out an attractive, healthy, strong, intelligent, honest man. It’s just part of their genes. Then, based on their social conditioning and media exposure, those abilities are slightly tweaked and “heightened” to match the society they live in. (That’s where trends and fashion come in, but we can largely ignore that, since the underlying universal fundamentals are far more powerful anyway.)
There are several things that women instinctively look for regarding your physique, and I’ll break ‘em all down and tell you why they matter … but first here’s a rough idea of what’ll put a gal’s heart in her stomach:
Woman-friendly Physiques
The weights and measurements are based on a 6″ tall male, although we don’t really care about height here—just proportions. Body fat is 8-12%.

Woman-friendly Physiques Reviewed by KokiTa on 02:00 Rating: 5 Woman-friendly Physiques It’s not about women being shallow and judging you just based on how hot you are, it’s about women being extremely ...

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