Female bodybuilding and physique training :Colleen Fotsch
Female bodybuilding and physique training :Colleen FotschColleen FotschCompetes in: CrossFitLives in: San FranciscoHeight: 5′8″Weight/ body-fat percent:I don’t have a specific competition weight for my sport. This year at NorCal Regionals I was 167 pounds and 9% body fat.How much can you lift?Clean and jerk: 223 poundsDead lift: 330 poundsHow long did it take for you to get this body?I started playing sports at a really young age and pretty much played every sport imaginable. I was always on the muscular side. I was a swimmer at UC Berkeley and really enjoyed the lifting program and knew I wanted to continue lifting in some way, shape, or form after my college career was over. I started CrossFit about a year ago and, within a few months of consistent training, started noticing a big change in how I looked and felt.How many calories do you eat a day?I don’t count my calories, but I eat very clean. But I have a huge sweet tooth, so I enjoy desserts every now and again.How does your body affect how other people interact with you?Since I started doing CrossFit, I get a fair amount of questions about what I do, both training and nutrition. I always get asked if I play a sport and what it is or if I compete as a bodybuilder. It’s usually when I’m at the grocery store that I get the most comments and questions.What’s a surprising thing you experience by having the physique that you have?What I love about my body now is that it is the result of setting various training goals, such as squatting a certain amount of weight, mastering certain gymnastic skills, and being the best competitor I can be. CrossFit is extremely humbling and tests my limits day in and day out, and I love learning new skills that at one point seemed impossible for my body to do. I love being able to do something that I have so much fun doing, and it keeps me in shape and strong.The Picture For :Colleen Fotsch |
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Colleen Fotsch |
Colleen Fotsch |
Colleen Fotsch |
Colleen Fotsch |
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Female bodybuilding |
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video for Female bodybuilding Colleen FotschC.C.E First Max
Team Punishment & Big Blocks
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Colleen Fotsch October 12, 2014
Female bodybuilding and physique training :Colleen Fotsch
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Female bodybuilding and physique training :Colleen Fotsch Colleen Fotsch Competes in: CrossFit Lives in: San Francisco Height: 5′8″ Weight/ ...
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