Female Bodybuilding Renee West
Female Bodybuilding Renee West Renee WestCompetes in: PhysiqueLives in: Anderson, CAHeight: 5′9″Weight/body-fat percent:6–7% body fat onstage, 12–15% off-season.How much can you lift? I never one-rep max; I usually get at least 3–5 reps at the heaviest weight.Squat 245 pounds, bench 185 pounds, dead-lift 275 pounds, rack-lift 315 pounds, and leg-press around 600 pounds.How long did it take for you to get this body? Four years of very diligent and consistent training and diet.How many calories do you eat a day? Usually around 1,500–1,800.How does your body affect how other people interact with you? It’s a conversation starter, for sure. I always get approached about fitness. Most people are very kind and compliment my physique and respect the hard work that goes into it.What’s a surprising thing you experience by having the physique that you have? I forget that the way I look isn’t “normal,” so when I go somewhere new, the reaction on some people’s faces makes me laugh. All in all, I love the way I look, and most people receive me well with respect and admiration or kind words, which motivates me to keep doing what I do.picture for Renee West |
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Renee West |
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Renee West |
Renee West 2015 |
Renee West 2015 |
Renee West 2015 |
Renee West 2015 |
Renee West 2015 |
Renee West 2015 |
Take off the blinders: creating the feeling for success, Renee West at TEDxFremontEastWomen
Female Bodybuilding Renee West
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Female Bodybuilding Renee West Renee West Competes in: Physique Lives in: Anderson, CA Height: 5′9″ Weight/body-fat percent: 6–7% body fat ...
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