Bodybuilding Motivation Tips - Personal Fitness Trainer
mardi 3 février 2015

Bodybuilding Motivation Tips

Bodybuilding Motivation Tips
Be Exact About Your Goals
I want to build muscle. Nah. That’s very generic. Instead, your goals should read something like “I want to gain 10 pounds in 4 months”. Do not keep vague goals. Have measurable goals. I know this does not sound interesting, but when you start having measurable goals, you have higher chances of succeeding.
Creating The Anabolic Environment For Muscle Growth
Visualize To Realize

Bodybuilding Motivation Tips
Bodybuilding Motivation Tips
Guess who was a firm believer of this principle; our very own Austrian Oak, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnie once said that the body is important, but not stronger than the mind. Arnold would visualize his muscles getting bigger, something he implemented to develop those humongous arms.
Bodybuilding Motivation Tips
Bodybuilding Motivation Tips
Visualization does not cost you anything. It is free of cost. Why not take advantage of this most powerful technique and start visualizing your goals? For example, if you want to become more muscular, see yourself as a muscular person. Every time you go to the gym or hit the bed, imagine yourself as a bigger, chiseled bodybuilder. You can apply the visualization principle to achieve anything in life.
Bodybuilding Motivation Tips
Bodybuilding Motivation Tips
Jot Down Your Short-Term Goals

I know we are no longer in the habit of using paper and pen, thanks to technology. However, in bodybuilding, the good old way of noting down your goals in a book/diary really helps. When you write down your measurable goals, you would be able to track your progress. Believe me, this simple habit can work wonders in achieving a better body.

Everything Comes At A Cost

There is no such thing as a free meal. Whatever you achieve, you have to make sacrifices in the process, bodybuilding being no exception. You cannot eat junk food or miss workouts, and still walk with an Arnold-like physique. Nah! That does not happen in the real world. You would have to work your ass off, eat like a pig, never miss a meal, ignore friends sometimes, miss out on night life and alcohol, and do many other things which you hate, to become a champion bodybuilder.
Bodybuilding Motivation Tips
Bodybuilding Motivation Tips
Take inspiration from Arnold, who did not attend his father’s funeral to complete his workout. This might be extreme. But you have to understand that bodybuilding is not a luxurious domain. You would not be munching French Fries sitting in your sofa and developing a huge chiseled physique. That being said, a little indulgence is alright. A cheat meal once every 10 days is perfectly fine as long as you are strict with your diet on other days.

Don’t Run Away From People Who Don’t Believe In You

Criticism is not always bad. Look at it this way. When people look down upon you, you get an opportunity to prove them wrong. If they say you have a fat body, you can train harder, and prove them wrong. Take criticism, understand if it’s for real, prepare a strategy, and come back better.
Bodybuilding Motivation Tips
Bodybuilding Motivation Tips
Work on your weaknesses and polish your strengths. We all have weak areas. Arnold did not have great calves. So he made a hole in all of his pants, so he can always see his weak area. He worked hard and soon he had well developed calves. We all love to train our strengths- that’s easy and relaxed. It is only when you hit your weaknesses that you realize what it takes to become a champion.

Bodybuilding Motivation Tips
Bodybuilding Motivation Tips
The bodybuilding motivation tips work without a doubt. The problem is that most of us have grown used to searching a magical pill that can bring results overnight. As bodybuilders, we should not look for shortcuts. Train smart, train hard. But do not waste time looking for quick-fixes. Implement these bodybuilding motivation tips in your life and stay focused.

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Bodybuilding Motivation Tips Reviewed by KokiTa on 15:24 Rating: 5 Bodybuilding Motivation Tips Be Exact About Your Goals I want to build muscle. Nah. That’s very generic. Instead, your goals should read so...

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