WEEKEND WARRIOR WORKOUT - Personal Fitness Trainer
samedi 21 avril 2018


For those athletes who are strained by the time crunch –  whether it be due to juggling a career or a household – we know there are times when life has a way of dictating your path. The truth is, no matter how hard you grind, there are times when training has to take a backseat. But that doesn’t mean the gains have to stop completely. This program will allow you to still reach your goals, even if the only time you have to train is on the weekend.  Along with a healthy diet/nutrition and supplement regimen, this twice-a-week training plan can assist you in building or keeping your muscle size and strength without sacrificing your time at the job as well as your quality time with the family!

WEEKEND WARRIOR WORKOUT Reviewed by workouts on 13:36 Rating: 5 For those athletes who are strained by the time crunch –  whether it be due to juggling a career or a household – we know there are times...

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