Types Of Yoga And Its Weight Loss Benefits - Personal Fitness Trainer
lundi 16 avril 2018

Types Of Yoga And Its Weight Loss Benefits

Types Of Yoga And Its Weight Loss Benefits
With so many weight loss techniques on the market, yoga is one of the more holistic approaches. Yoga in its full form combines physical postures, breathing exercises, meditation, and a distinct philosophy. 

There are numerous styles of yoga. If you are like most people who have a hectic schedule, yoga can be done at your home with a starter kit and a good DVD. There are different types of yoga to meet all your needs mentally and physically.
Yoga For Health
According to the 2007 National Health Interview Survey(NHIS), which included a comprehensive survey on the use of complimentary health approaches by Americans, yoga is the sixth most commonly used complimentary health practice among adults. Many people who practice yoga do so to maintain their health and well being, improve physical fitness, relieve stress, and enhance quality of life. In addition they may be addressing specific health conditions, such as back pain, neck pain, arthritis, and anxiety.

Styles Of Yoga
Iyengar - Good for beginners
Newbies can try an introductory- level class, but if you are looking for a practice that is detailed and full of direction, go with Iyengar. This slow-paced class incorporates props such as straps, blocks, bolsters, and blankets in order to aid in precise postures and poses and will challenge your body in a safe, educational manner. It is also great for experienced yogis who are injured or pregnant.
Ashtanga - Good for strength
While several styles of yoga can help strengthen your body, Ashtanga's heavily repeated series of vinyasas-chatarunga(a yogi push- up), up dog, and down dog- between each pose(and on each side) is guaranteed to make you strong.
Hatha - Good for stress relief
"Ha" means "sun" and "tha" means "moon." put them together, and you have a yoga style that focuses on balancing your entire body's energy as well as deepening the mind-body connection, and stretching tight muscles via poses, deep breathing, and meditation. You'll often start with a seated meditation and proceed into a slow, restorative, and relaxing flow that includes floor and standing poses, all the while using the classic "uijay" breathing and some props.
Power Yoga - Good for athletes
This is the perfect two-for-one method that focuses on strength and flexibility. Not only will you engage your athletic nature with active poses and postures, This style also addresses areas of the body that get tight through running, cycling, and weight lifting. Although the term "power yoga" encompasses a variety of styles, you can expect a number of standing poses before moving to poses on your stomach and back to encourage opening of the hips, and finally a few poses to stretch your hips, all the while using rhythmic breathing.
Bikram - Quick weight loss
Holding a pose for a length of time burns calories, but bikram adds the bonus of helping you lose excess water weight. The classes are held in rooms heated to 105 degrees and 40 percent humidity, you'll go through 26 poses twice, holding each for a minute and a half the first time and 30 seconds the second time. If you have a big event coming up (can you say wedding?) and want to drop a few pounds fast I suggest practicing six days in a row, alternating between bikram and ashtanga for maximum weight loss benefits.

Types Of Yoga And Its Weight Loss Benefits Reviewed by KokiTa on 02:32 Rating: 5 Types Of Yoga And Its Weight Loss Benefits With so many weight loss techniques on the market, yoga is one of the more holistic approaches. Y...

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