Setting Up Your Home Gym For Fat Loss - Personal Fitness Trainer
samedi 14 juillet 2018

Setting Up Your Home Gym For Fat Loss

Setting Up Your Home Gym For Fat Loss
Now let's be clear, you don't need a lot of equipment and a whole lot of space to get through an amazing fat loss workout! Especially when you follow the fat burning workouts outlined in the Look Great Naked: Complete Body Makeover for women program.
Firstly, let's face it; convenience is key and working out at home is very effective for fitting in regular fat burning workouts. Especially when you think of the time you spend packing your gym bag, driving to the gym, parking, checking in, going to the locker room, waiting for equipment and being friendly to staff and members, you could potentially be looking at 2 hours out of your day!

 Imagine doing this a few times a week, you can see why busy women feel you don't have time to exercise! Now compare this to the fat burning workouts prescribed in the Look Great Naked program which can be done in 30 minutes or less! On top of this why would you want to pay a gym membership to waste time when you could make a small investment in some basic equipment to get your workouts done from the comfort of your own home?
Now, you don't need to buy expensive and complicated fitness equipment to have a great fat loss workout. You can easily set up a fat burning circuit in your living space combining strengthening exercises and cardiovascular bodyweight exercises. Many exercises can simply be done with your body weight - especially if you are a beginner.
You don't even need any cardio equipment because you can do your fat loss intervals using bodyweight exercises instead! As long as you have enough space to fully extend your body vertically and horizontally you can setup a small home gym.
At the very least I would recommend a few pieces of equipment that you can get on a shoe string budget from many places such as eBay, Amazon and local fitness stores to name a few!
The equipment I would recommend would be a Stability ball (also known as a swiss ball or therapy ball). These are very convenient for fat burning workouts at home and are cherished by personal trainers. These come in different sizes and can replace a bench for many exercises. Beginners should start with a larger ball which is less inflated and as you become more accustomed to the exercise add more air into the ball.
The great thing about Stability balls is that it works the abdominals and back while you're working out on it, which is great for your posture and developing those flatter abs. Also when finished with, you can use it instead of a chair! Stability balls are inexpensive and you can get them for around $20 from the stores mentioned above.
Secondly, a set of adjustable dumbbells is useful to add resistance to your workouts and increase the intensity. You can get dumbbells in many different sizes for under $40, make sure when lifting dumbbells you should be able to do 8-15 repetitions with the last few being a little difficult. If you can't get through half the set then the weight is too heavy, if you can do the set without any difficulty then they are too light. Remember dumbbells can be easily stored under the bed or couch or even at the bottom of your closet.
Now with a set of dumbbells and a stability ball you can get through some amazing fat burning workouts from the comfort of your own home on a minimal budget.

Setting Up Your Home Gym For Fat Loss Reviewed by KokiTa on 09:42 Rating: 5 Setting Up Your Home Gym For Fat Loss Now let's be clear, you don't need a lot of equipment and a whole lot of space to get through ...

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