4 Time Tested Strategies To Boost Your Bench - Personal Fitness Trainer
mardi 7 août 2018

4 Time Tested Strategies To Boost Your Bench

Strategy 1: Cluster Sets
Clusters are when you move a heavier weight a few reps, take a mini-rest, and repeat a couple more times. Forcing your muscles to lift a heavier weight than they normally would, even in cluster sets, overloads the muscle and forces a strength adaptation. Think of it as a power version of rest-pause training.

Strategy 2: Forced Reps
There's more than one way to make your body lift a weight for more reps than it normally would. Clusters are one, another is forced reps.

Strategy 3: Controlled Power Training
Sometimes strength isn't just about how much weight you can move, it's about how fast you can move weight. Lots of powerlifters devote entire training sessions to improving lifting speed by moving a lighter weight in a very specific way.

Strategy 4: Hit The Incline
Some people believe incline presses don't translate to the flat bench, and maybe for them that's true. There are many others, however, who will tell you that inclines are a top assistance move for improving flat press power.

4 Time Tested Strategies To Boost Your Bench Reviewed by workouts on 05:00 Rating: 5 Strategy 1: Cluster Sets Clusters are when you move a heavier weight a few reps, take a mini-rest, and repeat a couple more times. Forcing...

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