Discrimination against disabled people - Personal Fitness Trainer
dimanche 5 janvier 2014

Discrimination against disabled people

People with physical or mental disabilities are discrimination against disabled people able to be productive and dedicated workers, but some employers discriminate against employees wrongly because of their disability.

Discrimination is illegal , however discrimination against disabled people. No employer can refuse to hire a person with a disability , provided that their disability would not do dangerous work , and there are many controls to penalize employers who discriminate unfairly.

To avoid unintentional discrimination against persons with disabilities, Americans with discrimination against disabled people Disabilities Act , it is illegal for employers to ask interview questions related to disability .

They can not ask if a potential employee is disabled and can not ask what types of housing in the workplace that would require . Employers are expected to discrimination against disabled people make their hiring decisions based on ratings , is not whether it will meet the needs of an employee .

Interview questions that discrimination against disabled people would encourage non-disabled people , without referring directly to disability are also illegal .

This discrimination against disabled people may be indirect , but still unfair. Unless the handicap can be clearly demonstrated that hazardous work for the employee or others - for example , allowing a person with a visual impairment to operate a forklift - no other reason than the employer must be able to refuse employment on the basis of disability .

There are many ways in which disabled facilities are discrimination against disabled people now the norm . Schools, public buildings , and most things are open to the public are required to have ramps.

Public toilets must meet the needs of people with disabilities . Braille signs for the visually impaired are not a rarity , either. These kinds of things are common sense : people who can not see the signs should not be prevented from participating in society, simply because of their disability discrimination against disabled people.
Discrimination against disabled people Reviewed by klachinko on 14:22 Rating: 5 People with physical or mental disabilities are discrimination against disabled people able to be productive and dedicated workers, but s...

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