Women’s bodybuilding - Personal Fitness Trainer
jeudi 1 janvier 2015

Women’s bodybuilding

 Women’s bodybuilding

female bodybuilding competitions were established and more and more women began to take part. In 1982 the International Federation of BodyBuilding and Fitness (IFBB) officially recognized the women’s sport.
Women’s bodybuilding
Women’s bodybuilding
And while facing serious issues of inequality, steroid use and popular misconceptions, the sport is growing as it evolves in the face of cultural changes.
Women’s bodybuilding
Women’s bodybuilding
Tracey Greenwood, an associate professor of exercise physiology at Eastern University in Philadelphia, has competed in numerous fitness, figure and bikini competitions, and is a nine-time IFBB Fitness Champion. She also is a recognized trainer and nutritionist for a number of competitive bodybuilders – both male and The Greatest Female Bodybuilding – and has sponsored contests throughout the region.
Women’s bodybuilding
Women’s bodybuilding
“The word bodybuilders is really not appropriate,” Greenwood states. “Everybody’s bodybuilding. But people who know the sport know that bodybuilders are one look a woman can attain and compete in 
Top Female Bodybuilders, which is a much more muscular physique. But then there’s fitness and figure and bikini, and those are degrees of less muscularity with maybe a little bit more shape, smaller size. But to the layperson walking down the street, all women that compete in this are considered a bodybuilder. And I think there is a great negative stigma attached to that term.”
Women’s bodybuilding
Women’s bodybuilding
The performance enhancers are certainly an issue and for women the use of steroids derived from the naturally occurring male hormone testosterone present a different risk. Some women erroneously use higher dosages of the drugs expecting more muscle growth, despite scientific proof that runs counter to this theory. The effects of high dosage use could result in drastic changes to sexual characteristics, disruption of the menstrual cycle, acne, aggression, and increased hair growth.
Women’s bodybuilding
Women’s bodybuilding
A 2000 McLean Hospital survey found that one-third of the female bodybuilders reported past or current steroid use. And half of non- users admitted use of other PED’s like ephedrine.
Women’s bodybuilding
Women’s bodybuilding
Within the bodybulding community, however, attempts to curb the use of steroids have resulted in judges placing an emphasis on recognition of 
Female Bodybuilding Strategies and Techniques aesthetics when determining winners. And whether or not this is the right way to go, in lieu of proper testing at local competitions, it seems to be the only feasible solution.

Greenwood says she’s received her fair share of steroid allegations.
female bodybuilding
female bodybuilding
“I was accused of taking so much stuff when I was competing as a pro,” she said. “I think everybody in the sport is prepared for that and somebody who has really good self-esteem if somebody accuses them of that they might just say ‘Hey, you know what? That’s not the case, but thanks for the compliment Top 2 Female Bodybuilders.”

Women’s bodybuilding Reviewed by KokiTa on 14:15 Rating: 5  Women’s bodybuilding female bodybuilding  competitions were established and more and more women began to take part. In 1982 the Internation...

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