4 Ridiculously Killer HIIT Treadmill Routines - Personal Fitness Trainer
dimanche 8 avril 2018

4 Ridiculously Killer HIIT Treadmill Routines

Don't fall into the winter weight gain trap this year. While it might be too cold to do cardio outside, these 4 treadmill workouts will keep the weight off!
1. The Ladder
1 Minute Intervals: Walk/Jog/Run/Sprint/run/jog/walk x 4 rounds.
The Ladder is a great middle distance run that will have you start at a walk and gradually build up to a sprint (or close to it) before gradually slowing back down to a walk. Each speed - walk, jog, run, sprint - is done for a duration of 1 minute.

2. The HIIT Hill Sprint
Hill Sprints are one of my favorite conditioning tools for myself and my athletes, so it would be a shame to only utilize them during the warmer months. An inclined treadmill is a great substitute and the following interval program will challenge even the most seasoned athletes.
Originally designed for the Airdyne, this interval workout consists of 3 separate 2 minute periods with 1 minute of rest between each.

3. The Rolling Hill
Imagine this run as a relaxing yet challenging 20-30 minute run through an area with constant rolling hills.

4. The Pump & Run pt.2
This routine is similar to my original Pump & Run workout found here at Muscle & Strength, but with a new twist.

4 Ridiculously Killer HIIT Treadmill Routines Reviewed by workouts on 07:04 Rating: 5 Don't fall into the winter weight gain trap this year. While it might be too cold to do cardio outside, these 4 treadmill workouts will...

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