Fat Loss, Weight Gain - Personal Fitness Trainer
lundi 2 avril 2018

Fat Loss, Weight Gain

Fat Loss, Weight Gain
Is it possible to have Fat Loss, Muscle Gain at the same time? Good question as building your muscle requires you to eat more calories than you burn, while losing fat requires you to eat fewer calories than you burn!

That isn't to say that if you lose fat, you have to lose muscle too or that you can't get stronger while trying to lose weight. That after all, would be the ideal for any of us.

Muscle as we know uses more energy than fat as a pound of muscle can burn up to 20 calories a day while a pound of fat burns around 5 calories a day. That means when you lose fat and gain muscle, you'll start to become slimmer and trimmer, so in answer to the original question, it is possible to gain lean muscle mass while losing body fat at the same time!

How you can achieve that of course is the difficulty many have. You can spend much of your time counting calories. You can do hours of cardio or aerobic exercise every week to help you with your Fat Loss, Muscle Gain and without trying to summon up super human willpower program.

Can you lose body fat without wrecking your metabolism? Well, if you ever started a diet, then smashed into the dreaded 'wall' or 'plateau,' it's probably because you cannibalized your own muscle and slowed down your metabolism without even realizing it.

There are many programs out there that offer or promise something close to what I have suggested above. Trouble is there is a great deal of conflicting advice on training and nutrition and dieting and you can help yourself to save money by learning to instantly recognize marketing hype, false advertising, phoney weight loss claims and general B.S.
Keith Richardson

Fat Loss, Weight Gain Reviewed by KokiTa on 13:59 Rating: 5 Fat Loss, Weight Gain Is it possible to have Fat Loss, Muscle Gain at the same time? Good question as building your muscle requires you to e...

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