How to Build On-the-Job Training Programs in 3 Steps - Personal Fitness Trainer
jeudi 5 avril 2018

How to Build On-the-Job Training Programs in 3 Steps

Organizations have different theories about what constitutes a stellar workplace training program. For example, some businesses run "lunch and learning" programs where the company serves lunch and brings a speaker to give a series of lectures and workshops to employees. Others believe that hiring an outside organization to create tailored training programs for their organization is best for attracting, educating, promoting and retaining their workforce.

What is training at work?
Before we explain how to set up a training program, let's define the training programs at the workplace and their possible impact on your business. The name more or less talks about its education in the job itself includes teaching skills and the knowledge that workers have to perform a specific job at their workplace.

Studies show that workplace training provides significant return on investment (ROI), but we will let the research speak for itself:

Training Programs

Training Programs

Training Programs

Training Programs

Training Programs

Training Programs

Training Programs

Training Programs

Training Programs

Training Programs

More than half of the employees leaving the companies report that one reason for leaving did not provide any training.
Employees offering training during work are 30% happy with their careers than those who are not trained.
73% of companies will see a higher rate of implementation when they offer training at work.
87% of the millenniums indicate training methods during work, they are important to them when they are looking for a job.
Now learn how to set up a training program for your employees - you know it will be repaid.

Step 1: Identify training needs / wishes
Before you start, you must first determine what kind of training you need. Is it for a particular department? Is it a company-level training? Or do you need a range of training exercises for different roles throughout your organization?

Define the objectives for your training program and follow the appropriate method. For example, many large-scale corporations employ call centers to provide customized training for each call center staff to ensure high-quality customer service as well as consistent messaging. Smaller, senior companies could bring counselors from local colleges and universities to tailor the curricula that have been built from college curricula.

Do you have the budget for some training methods at work, such as hiring external consultants? Consider locating or hiring interior themes (SME) or teacher designers to design special educational activities for your employees.

As we think about the goals we want to achieve with a training program, keep in mind that by providing training in the workplace, you will be able to cultivate a team of promoted employees - all by attracting (and retaining) higher those candidates that are more likely to remain faithful to your organization. In addition, managers will be able to justify increases, promotions and side moves, since employees have gone through a special training that suits their career interests.

Step 2: Identify learning outcomes and success metrics
If you want to learn how to create a training program that really leads the results, your next step will require you to think like a college professor. Ask yourself what you want from your employees - what skills would you like to earn? And how will you decide if they have learned the material?

Much of the corporate training is based on competency-based training (CBE). Simply put, the CBE abolishes traditional forms of learning (ie Lectures, Intermediates, Papers, Exams and Rankings). In a skill-based program in order to pass through education, all professional needs need to be demonstrated, for example, that he or she is effectively capable of a skill or set of skills.

Your training program must mimic this process. Why; Because adults tend to learn doing, instead of telling them what to do or teach. By creating a set of competencies in your training programs at work, you will be able to effectively determine what you want your employees to learn at all levels of the departments. More importantly, you will create a way to effectively monitor the effectiveness of education.

Step 3: Determine whether you will build your program internally or externally
Once you have determined your learning outcomes and goals, it's time to do some research. What resources does your organization have at present available for its own vocational training programs?

If you have a major source of funding, you should fully consider outsourcing these jobs to local or national vocational training companies. Many tertiary education institutions (both at local and national level) offer admission
How to Build On-the-Job Training Programs in 3 Steps Reviewed by workouts on 13:47 Rating: 5 Organizations have different theories about what constitutes a stellar workplace training program. For example, some businesses run "l...

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