How to Lose Weight and Gain Muscle Fast - Personal Fitness Trainer
samedi 7 avril 2018

How to Lose Weight and Gain Muscle Fast

How to Lose Weight and Gain Muscle Fast
The most common question I get from people wanting to lose fat is how to lose weight and gain muscle fast.
Some experts say it is impossible to do both concurrently and you need to lose weight first before gaining muscle. The truth is that weight loss has a direct correlation with gain muscle.

1. Lose Weight Meaning Muscle
Here is what you should know, unless you have been trained for some while in the art of body building, the chances are you have poor food selection, therefore a large part of your weight will consist of fat. By losing weight you will burn your fat and give room for muscle to grow in your body.
2. Diet Pill
You might have seen advertising on infomercial where you can lose weight in just a matter of a few weeks using diet pills. Generally, diet pills will make your taste for eating diminish and also it has a bad effect upon your metabolism.
Therefore, it becomes progressive harder to gain muscles and burn fat when your metabolism becomes low. So, I would not recommend using diet pill, as a matter of fact it should be avoided at all cost.
To lose weight fast the better way is to eat more often, this way your metabolism will stay active to burn all of your fat. Exercise is also important not only because it burns fat but it can also increase your metabolism.
3. Balance Your Training
To lose weight and at the same time gain muscle, you have to eat often, this will cause your metabolism system to keep burning fat all day. Regarding of your workout, I would recommend doing a combination of weight lifting and cardio training.
But your primary focus should be on weight lifting, because by eating foods that consist of protein and nutrients every 3 hours, your body actually has done a job on itself to burn all the fat, the rest is left to you to build your muscles.

How to Lose Weight and Gain Muscle Fast Reviewed by KokiTa on 13:57 Rating: 5 How to Lose Weight and Gain Muscle Fast The most common question I get from people wanting to lose fat is how to lose weight and gain muscle...

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