Your Workout Program, a Guide for Beginners - Personal Fitness Trainer
jeudi 5 avril 2018

Your Workout Program, a Guide for Beginners

Your Workout Program, a Guide for Beginners

It's an error to take your workout program too seriously. Most bodybuilders consider exercise second nature and as important as their basic needs, which is only beneficial if it actually contributes to better fitness and health. You have a problem when you push your body too far in workouts. Too much strain hastens fatigue, and your efforts to compensate leads to injury. 

You don't want to set your progress back by a couple of weeks because of a pulled tendon or overstretched muscles. Proper form and custom workout program ensures progress, and if you're a beginner, you can't afford not to start with the basics.

Resistance in Workouts, Progressive and Consistent
The key to muscle growth (or toning) is resistance. This seems like a no-brainer, but many overlook the importance of increased resistance in workout routines. You shouldn't stay too comfortable with set loads and routines, especially if you've improved over the previous week in increased muscle mass, a shapely physique. For beginners, the key is moderation. 

Expect to roll off to a slow start, with routines of moderate exercises and controlled reps. This is where proper form is crucial; you'll likely maintain the posture you started with throughout the program. Consider hiring a personal trainer for your first few months, and then wean yourself from the supervision once you've learned the ropes in exercise, diet, and supplementation.
Plateaus: Roadblocks to Your Progress
The worst first experience you'll ever come across is the dreaded plateau. This is a period of minimal to zero progress, regardless of your efforts. Every bodybuilder stumbles upon this, and the reasons vary, from your physiology to your attitude towards your program. Oftentimes, it's the result of a lack of variety, in any of the aspects of your program.

 Exercise routines get monotonous over time, and you'll have to switch every so often to ensure the strain still poses a challenge to your muscles. This also applies to diet and supplementation. You can have steamed chicken every day, but the question is are you willing to settle for the monotony of the lack in favor? Your six small daily meals are more enjoyable with the same flavor as the viands you indulge in, or at the very least, a semblance of flavor.

Supplementation Gets You There Faster
The last word is in supplementation. This is far from an afterthought, especially for serious bodybuilders. You'll have to take on combination supplements, some alternated with others to prevent your body from developing a dependence or tolerance to the concentration. The potencies differ, and it's better if your supplementation program is supervised by a personal trainer and a doctor. Your health is the priority, given that you're working out to build better fitness and health.

Your Workout Program, a Guide for Beginners Reviewed by KokiTa on 14:29 Rating: 5 Your Workout Program, a Guide for Beginners It's an error to take your workout program too seriously. Most bodybuilders consider exercis...

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