The Cycle of Fat Loss and Fitness Failure - Personal Fitness Trainer
jeudi 19 avril 2018

The Cycle of Fat Loss and Fitness Failure

The Cycle of Fat Loss and Fitness Failure
I'm pretty active in my corner of the health and fitness world, and I have noticed so many people frustrated with their efforts to burn fat using various workout programs and diets. So many people seem to work so hard, but with almost nothing to show for it. Keep reading to find out what you are doing wrong.
So many people I would talk to would tell me about the newest program or product they had just handed a wad of cash over for - it promised to deliver the secret answer to burning fat fast and getting them the bodies they so desperately wanted. They would be so excited and just couldn't wait to get started on their new program.

Then, several weeks would go by, and these same people who were once so happy and excited about the new plan that was going to change their lives became horribly discouraged. It was heartbreaking to watch.
I would politely ask how the new fat loss program was going and they would say that it seemed like it was working at first, but that they weren't really getting the results they wanted or expected. They would tell me it was too difficult to stick with the workouts and hated following a strict diet. It just wasn't fun or enjoyable anymore, so they decided they were going to try another plan.
The worst part was, they would become so frustrated, that when they would finally quit the program - their bodies would go into overdrive with cravings and then they would develop even worse eating habits than they started out with! Binge eating seemed to be the only thing that would satisfy the cravings. They were now not just back to square one, but moving in the wrong direction fast!
What's really sad, is that all of these people were following the latest, greatest weight loss program. They were pretty much following and doing what was supposed to be the best and newest thing to lose body fat and give them a better body.
After spending some time with many of these people, and discussing their expectations and results - one thing really started to stick out...all of these people were pretty much focused on the immediate future or short term. They weren't really thinking of a healthy lifestyle or about lifelong wellness, but were thinking more about an immediate goal - mostly how to burn fat fast for an upcoming event (like a class reunion or pool party).
Most of them were also not working out with the right mental attitude. They just seemed to have a negative attitude about exercise and good food - like working out was such a pain or a "necessary evil", and healthy foods were so boring. They lacked the secret motivation and inspiration that I knew would turn their programs from NOTHING into SOMETHING literally overnight.
But seriously, do you blame them? I know i've been there. And you certainly shouldn't beat yourself up if you've fallen into the awful cycle of "fat loss and fitness failure". We all want to look and feel good and most of us are pretty much willing to do just about anything to get a great body fast - that's why we are such easy prey to this destructive "get fit quick" mentality. We all want to know how to lose tummy fat, or just experience SOME fat loss!
There are too many people trying to get in shape for the wrong reason. If your reason to look good is because you've got a vacation coming up, or bikini season is around the corner - or whatever short term goal you have in mind - you are probably going to be disappointed with your results.
The reason for this is because when we think we have to do something for just a short time - we talk ourselves into going to the extreme. We say to ourselves "it's only til I reach my goal, right?" or "it will only take 30 days, or 90 days" or whatever. We ALREADY KNOW we can't keep up with this program forever. If you think you need to spend hours a week in the gym or adhere to some strange unnatural eating strategy, you're going to be unhappy. And if you are unhappy - you are setting yourself up for failure.

The Cycle of Fat Loss and Fitness Failure Reviewed by KokiTa on 10:19 Rating: 5 The Cycle of Fat Loss and Fitness Failure I'm pretty active in my corner of the health and fitness world, and I have noticed so many peo...

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