Trainer Tiffiny Hall Busts The 9 Most Common Fitness Myths - Personal Fitness Trainer
vendredi 27 avril 2018

Trainer Tiffiny Hall Busts The 9 Most Common Fitness Myths

MYTH 1: You can spot reduce areas

SO WRONG: I’m sorry to be the one to break it to you, but you can’t actually spot target areas, no matter what that person on social media says. Doing a gazillion sit ups a day ain’t gonna bring you closer to having the world’s flattest tum, I mean, it’s going to make those muscles stronger, but it isn’t going to burn through your belly fat. Same deal for lunges and thighs, tricep dips and upper arms. If you are wanting to lose weight or tone up a particular spot, you’ll need to reduce your total body fat percentage through a mix of exercise (like my TIFFXO HIIT, Tone and Flow sessions) and a #happyfit eating habits and lifestyle.

MYTH 2: Eating fat makes you fat

BUSTED: But only when we’re talking about the GOOD kinds of fats, (not the saturated fats you find in processed foods). I’m talking about them avocados, salmon, eggs, nuts, olive oil… These foods keep us fuller for longer, support a healthy mood, support our metabolisms and help control cravings are are a necessary part of our diets, this is why I’ve made sure TIFFXO is the perfect amount of good fats, proteins and carbs in every day. 

MYTH 3: Lifting weights makes women into the Hulk

NO DICE: The average woman typically has less muscle tissue and produce lower levels of testosterone than men, which means we’re less prone to becoming brawny. Here’s the shiny truth: when you pick up heavy things, your muscles get stronger, but not necessarily bigger. Paired with the right diet of healthy foods, you will get stronger, burn the fat on top of your muscle and get that long toned look you’re after. When you see female bodybuilders who look strong and well, bulky? That’s because they eat, train and take supplements specifically to look like that!

MYTH 4: A regular bra is fine to work out in

NAAAAAAHHHHH: For starters, working out means we move and jiggle and shake around and sports bras and made to reduce these movements. ‘Cos guess what, if you’re working out in your everyday bonds, you’re actually going to promote saggy boobs (and no one wants that!!) but more importantly, you’re also giving yourself a pretty good chance for upper back and shoulder problems. Breasts have no muscles and without the proper support they’ll be causing you more pain than good. Help avoid yourself discomfort, reduce your body pain and help reduce long term sagging. Plus they make some some pretttyyyy cute ones nowadays so get out there and support your ladies!

MYTH 5: Squats are bad for your knees

COMPUTER SAYS NO: Actually, full squats done with the right form is actually good for your knees, by activating muscles around them to support your joints. By ensuring you’re squatting deep on each repetition with your feet slightly wider than your hips, knees directly over ankles, sending your glutes while squatting as deep as you can, and trying to stay on your heels as much as you can. Your knees will stay healthy so long you’ll be squatting with your zimmer frame!

MYTH 6: The only way to lose weight is cut out ALL carbs

INCORRECT: Did you know carbs are also in grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy, nuts AND seeds? Imagine cutting all of that out, we really would be eating dust for dinner. The best way to lose weight (and keep it off) is by adapting to a new lifestyle that supports your goal, rather than a crash fad diet where there is no fun for anyone. Including some regular workouts into your regular routine will help bring you closer to your goal (and keep you there)

MYTH 7: Sit ups are the ONLY way to get a 6 pack

FALSE: Your abs are a muscle just like all of the other muscles and you have to train them just as you would your arms and legs. Sit ups and crunches strengthen just a few muscle but you need to challenge and engage all of the muscles to achieve your 6 pack. By working and building it with progressive resistance training, sets with weights and slowly increasing the load over time.

MYTH 8: Low fat is always the better option

YOU ARE INCORRECT: Always pick the full fat option. Always! Fat does not make you fat! Foods in their closest to original form are less processed and fat does actually keep you full. Same goes for yoghurt and cheeses, just make sure you don’t overdo it - watch your portions.

MYTH 9: Working out means I get to eat what I want

UMMMM NO: Oh dear, this is something that many get caught out by. Ever heard of the concept, it’s 80% what happens in the kitchen and 20% what happens in the Dojang (Taekwondo for gym) ? You can’t out run a crappy diet unfortunately. It’s not about going to boot camp every morning just so you can eat that pizza every evening, it’s about learning how to have a healthy and #happyfit lifestyle where you make smart choices but you’re also allowed to indulge sometimes too.

Trainer Tiffiny Hall Busts The 9 Most Common Fitness Myths Reviewed by workouts on 06:53 Rating: 5 MYTH 1: You can spot reduce areas SO WRONG : I’m sorry to be the one to break it to you, but you can’t actually spot target areas, no m...

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